Ministry Through Art
Host a unique and powerful presentation of the gospel message. Explore foundational Christian principles and Bible truths using art and creative, hands-on activities.
• Nobel will present his personal journey through an interactive survey and discussion of his
spiritually-focused art images. He explains how art offers a dynamic venue for creative expression,
personal growth and spiritual connection. The artwork, testimony and teaching from God’s
Word will inspire and challenge you to explore, expand and share your own God-given gifts and
talents for eternal purposes.
• Typically, the session opens with a brief visual introduction as participants are lead through a
process of discovery and sharing using a colorful 18’ x 18’ floor design that provides a simple
method to look at and discuss artwork.
• The activity later evolves into a discussion of smaller art panels selected by each participant and
the session concludes as they share their thoughts often revealing profound insight and sensitivity
to spiritual concepts.
• It is perfect for teen and adult bible study sessions.
• Workshop Size--20 to 30 participants.
A Celebration of Art and Faith
Be refreshed, strengthened and encouraged in your faith.
Partner with Us
Shop online at Blick Art Supplies, Crayola, Utrecht Art Supplies and other
national merchants and help sponsor and support art programs at Schuler Arts.