1201 Maple St
Albion, Mi
Phone: (517)629-8293
Email: schulerarts@gmail.com

AWARD DISTINCTION: Top 100, ArtPrize Event, Grand Rapids. Mi. (2012)
Placed in the top 100 of 1517 artists during ArtPrize, the world’s largest International art competition. The artwork, Oneness Of Humankind--Every Knee Will Bow, was a large 4 X 24 foot pencil drawing representing many faces of humanity and an up-coming unprecedented world event that will bring everyone to their knees in submission and admiration.
AWARD RECIPIENT: Best of Show, Spring Arbor University-Inaugural Arbor Arts Festival (2010)
Best of Show cash award for ceramic work highlighting a hand-build, sculptural method with drawn images, textures and embossed surfaces. The clay work incorporated low-fire glazes and processes that included the addition of small colored glass elements in the firing process.
AWARD RECIPIENT: Power of Art Award, Lab School of Washington DC (2004)
Received special acknowledgement; recognizing the outstanding achievements of artist/teachers that use the “power of art” in the learning process. Schuler was one of 32 recipients from 31 states across the country to be honored, at the National Gallery of Art by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and the Lab School of Washington DC, for their work with special needs children.
RESIDENT ARTIST: National Youth Summit, Washington DC. (2001-2004)
Conducted large scale workshops; providing engaging collaborative art experiences for youth leaders from across the country. These 3-day summit gatherings were sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote positive youth development. During each of four consecutive years, Nobel with his art team conducted the summit’s opening activities to help establish a sense of community and common focus for the conference during 3-hour collaborative workshops with over 450 participants.
AWARD RECIPIENT: 100 Bridges Award, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Michigan (2003)
Received special acknowledgement; recognizing outstanding achievements of art alumni. Nobel was recognized by WMU as one of the top 100 most influential graduates from its School of Art. Schuler who has two masters’ degrees from W.M.U. was given this distinction as part of Western’s centennial celebration.
Competitive / Individual / Collaborative / Non-Competitive
•Exhibit- Two Person Show- East End Gallery, Marshall Mi. March 2017
•Group Exhibit- "Down with Dirt"- Art Center of Battle Creek , Mi Feb. 2017
•Workshop- Big Think (Integrated Teaching & Learning) Camp Geneva, Holland, MI. Nov. 2011
•Workshop- CLP/ITL Training- teachers, councilors and administrators, Holland, MI. Aug.11
•Exhibit- Gallery 101 Manteo, N.C. Aug. to present 2011
•Workshop- Big Think (Integrated Teaching & Learning) Camp Geneva, Holland, MI. Nov. 2011
•Workshop- Big Think (Integrated Teaching & Learning), BRPS, Holland, MI. Aug. 2010
•Exhibit- Gallery 105, Marshall, Mi. Jan.- Aug. 2010
•Art Prize Installation- Big Think Collaboration, Grand Rapids, Mi. Sept. & Oct. 2009
•Installation & Lecture- World Peace Art Initiative, Virginia Tech University, VA. Oct. 2007
•Installation & Workshop- Career-Scapes, Black River Public School, Holland, Mi. Sept. 2007
•Workshop- Creative Drawing- Alma Public Schools, Alma, Mi. 2007
•Workshop- Creative Drawing- Albion Public Schools, Albion, Mi. 2007
•Art & Collaboration Workshop- Alma Public Schools, Alma, Mi. 2006
•Aerial Display- Skye Banners, Starr Commonwealth, Albion Mi. Oct. 2006
•Aerial Display- Skye Pipes, Starr Commonwealth, Albion Mi. June 2006
•International Installation & Workshop- A World Peace Art Initiative in Tirana, Albania May 2005
•Installation- U.P. Regional Art Project Finale, Escanaba, Mi. Aug. 2005
•Workshops and Installations- U.P. Regional Art Project , Mi. June, 2005
•Creative Learning Workshop- Jenison Public Schools, Jenison, Mi. Aug 2005
•Environmental Installation & Workshop- Air Inflated Structures, British Columbia May 2004
•Workshop- Creative Learning Program, Black River Public Schools, Holland, Mi. June 2003
•Workshop Presentation- Jackson Artists Guild, Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson, Mi. Feb. 2003
•Environmental Installation- Starr Earthwork 2002, World Peace Art Initiative Oct. 2002
•Workshop- CLP Teacher Training, Albion Public Schools, Albion, Mi. May 2001
•Workshop- Art Educators CLP Training, Starr Commonwealth, Albion Mi. March 2001
•Environmental Installation- 'Hemi-Flora' Peace Sculpture, Starr Commonwealth Oct. 2000
•Exhibit- International World Peace Art Exhibition, Starr Comminwealth. Albion, Mi. Oct. 2000
•Exhibit- Area Artist's Exhibition, Schuler Gallery, Albion, Mi. 1991
•Exhibit- Area Artist's Exhibition, Schuler Gallery, Albion, Mi. 1990
•Exhibit- Area Artist's Exhibition, Schuler Gallery, Albion, Mi. 1989
•Installation- Art and Youth Conference, Starr Commonwealth 1987
•Exhibit- MFA Exhibition, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mi. 1983
•Environmental Installation- Air Inflated Structures, Starr Commonwealth 1980
•Exhibit- MA Exhibition, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mi. 1977
•Exhibit- Battle Creek 100 Exhibit, Battle Creek Art Center, Battle Creek, Michigan 1977
•Exhibit- Davidson Art Center, Kellogg Community College, Battle Creek, Michigan 1976
•Exhibit- Battle Creek 100 Exhibit, Battle Creek Art Center, Battle Creek Mi. 1975
•Exhibit- Bobbit Visual Arts Center, Albion College, Albion, Mi. 1975
•Exhibit- Mid-Michigan Artist's Exhibition, Midland Art Center, Midland, Michigan- 1974
•Group Exhibit- "Artistic Expressions of Faith- Art Center of Battle Creek , Mi Oct. 2017
•Exhibit & Presentation- Free Way Church- Albion, Mi, Jan. 2015
•Celebration of the Arts-Spiritual Art Competition- Grand Rapids, Mi. Feb. 2013
•ArtPrize- 4’ X 24’ Drawing-Top 100- Grand Rapids, Mi. Oct. 2012
•Painting Demo & Display- “Canvas Series”, Valley Family Church, Kalamazoo, Mi. Dec. 2011
•Resident Artist- Art Camp, Mount Olivet United Methodist Church- Manteo, NC. July 2011
•Exhibit- EPIC School of Ministry, Valley Family Church- Kalamazoo, Mi., April 2011
•Exhibit- Significant Church Conference Church- Kalamazoo, Mi., Oct. 2010
•Exhibit & Presentation- First United Methodist Church, Battle Creek, Mi. Aug. 2010
•Resident Artist- Art Camp, Mount Olivet United Methodist Church, Manteo, NC. July 2010
•“Thrive”Presentation- OBX YMCA, Nags Head, NC. Aug. 2009
•Service Presentation- Kitty Hawk United Methodist Church, Kitty Hawk NC. July 2009
•Visiting Artist- OBX YMCA Art Camp, North Carolina, July 2009
•“Thrive” Workshop Presentation- St. Vincent Charities, Lansing Mi. June 2009
•“Thrive” Workshop Presentation- St. Vincent Charities, Lansing Mi. Oct. 2007
•Resident Artist- 4th National Youth Summit, Washington D.C. July 2005
•Presentation & Exhibit- “Youth in Action” Program, Albion High School, Albion Mi. May 2005
•Chapel Service Presentation- Starr Commonwealth, Van Wert, OH. Jan. 2005
•Youth Presentation & Workshop- Kalamazoo Valley Family Church, Kalamazoo, Mi Oct. 2004
•Resident Artist- 3rd National Youth Summit, Cleveland, Ohio July 2004
•"Face to Face" Project Workshop & Presentation- Albion High School, Albion Mi. April, 2004
•Youth Presentation & Workshop- Caring Community Church, Albion, Mi. Nov. 2003
•Resident Artist- 2nd National Youth Summit, Washington D.C. Oct. 2003
•Starr Earthwork Installation-World Peace Art Initiative, Starr Commonwealth, Albion Oct. 2002
•Resident Artist- 1stNational Youth Summit, Washington D.C. June 2002
•Painting Demo- Connect the Dots Conference, Kalamazoo Valley Family Church March 2001
•Workshops & Display- First Presbyterian Church Service, Battle Creek, Mi. Nov 2001
•Youth Presentation- Kalamazoo Valley Family Church, Kalamazoo, Mi. Oct. 2001
• Exhibit & Service Presentation- St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Virginia Beach, VA. July 2001
•Workshop Presentation - M.A.C.A. 43rd Annual Conference, Richmond, VA. Nov. 2000
•International World Peace Art Exhibit- Brueckner Museum, Starr Commonwealth Oct. 2000
•Chapel Service Presentation- Starr Commonwealth, Albion, Mi. Sept. 2000
•Exhibit- Bountiful Harvest Book Store, Hillsdale, Mi. 2000-2002
•Exhibit- Christian Corners Book Store, Jackson Mi. 2000-2001
•Exhibit- Family Christian Book Store, Saginaw, Mi. April 1999
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Hopevale Baptist Church, Saginaw Mi. Jan. 1999
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Methodist Church, Stockridge Mi. Sept. 1998
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Hope Worship Center, Albion, Mi. May 1998
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- St. John's United Church of Christ Jackson, Mi. March 1998
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Free Methodist Church, Jackson, Mi. Feb. 1998
•Exhibit- Weaver Art Gallery, Bethel College, Mishawaka, IN. Jan. 1998
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Real Life Ministries, Albion, Mi. Jan. 1997
•Exhibit / Jesus Christ Super Star play- Albion High School, Albion, Mi. Dec. 1997
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Christian Reformed Church, Saginaw, Mi. Oct. 1996
•Exhibit & Workshops- First Weslyan Church, Battle Creek, Mi. Sept. 1996
•Exhibit- West Michigan Methodist Conference-Albion College, Albion, Mi. June 1996
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- United Methodist Church of Dearborn, May 1996
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Baptist Church Jackson, Mi. April 1996
•Exhibit- Marshall United Methodist Church, Marshall, Michigan Feb. 1996
•Exhibit- Kalamazoo Valley Family Church, Kalamazoo, Mi. Jan. 1996
•Exhibit- Red Balloon Art Gallery, South Bend, Indiana Jan. 1996
•Exhibit & Presentation- ARK Church, Nags Head, NC. July 1995
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Battle Creek Christian School, Battle Creek, Mi. May 1995
•Exhibit & Service Presentation- Caring Community Church, Albion, Mi. Oct. 1994
Related to Nobel’s collaborative endeavors and the work of his colleagues of
Big Think; Lou Rizzolo, Marc Rizzolo, Peter Middleton, & Dr. Richard Cooper
• Albania
o Holland Sentinel Sunday, June 11, 2006 "Holland teacher travels to Albania through art initiative"
o Holland Sentinel Sunday, June 11, 2006 "Students appreciate freedom teacher gives them to create"
• Thinking Big 2006: Black River Public School
o Holland Sentinel, June 7, 2006 "Black River students 'think big' for final project"
• Thinking Big 2005: Black River Public School
o Holland Sentinel Thursday, June 9, 2005 "Class has art on its brain"
• Thinking Big 2004: Black River Public School
o Holland Sentinel June 8, 2004 "Project has art students thinking big"
o Grand Rapids Press June 9, 2004
• Thinking Big 2003: Black River Public School
o Holland Sentinel "Art in a big way"
• Starr Earthwork 2002
o Reclaiming Children and Youth February 2003 "Art for Peace"
o Great Lakes Radio Consortium
o Kalamazoo Gazette "Crop circles are signs for world peace"
o "Local Artisans Take Stand for Global Peace" WOTV Channel 41 September 29, 2002
o Battle Creek SHOPPER NEWS - May 9, 2002 "Starr Commonwalth breaks ground for Earthwork"
o The Battle Creek Enquirer "Farmer transforms field into art project for peace "
o The Detroit News "Students draw to make the world a better place" Pinckney art class work to be displayed in Albion
o The Jackson Citizen Patriot "Organizers hope to draw thousands to artistic project"
o Great Lakes Radio Consortium "Growing art in the field"
o The Battle Creek Enquirer Oct. 3, 2002 "Peace initiative opens Saturday"
o The Battle Creek Enquirer Oct 6, 2002 "Earthwork 2002 opens at Starr Commonwealth"
o The Detroit Free Press October 4, 2002 "What's Going On"
o The Albion Recorder October 4, 2002 "Starr Earthwork Day Scheduled"
o The Albion Recorder September 5, 2002 "Unique Art Show Held in Conjunction with Starr Earthwork"
o The Daily Press & Argus September 18, 2002 "Students Draw for World Peace"
o Monroe Evening News June 24, 2002 "Many Moons, Stars United for Peace"
o Hillsdale Daily News June 22, 2002 "Field Transforms into Starry Art to Promote Peace"
o Western Herald October 2002 "Crops Altered for Peace"
o Battle Creek Enquirer October 20, 2000 "For Art and for Peace"
• Bjergsted Hemi-Flora Peace Installation July 19 & 20 2002
o News Coverage of Norway's Hemi-Flora Installation
o Norwegian- Hemi-Flora Installation Publicity
• Southern Cross Installation - Tasmania, Australia 2002
o The Mercury April 9, 2002 "NW art installation will send peace message to the world"
o The Advocate April 5, 2002 "Eye-catching art for peace"
o Launceston Press October, 2002 " Beach for the Sky"
Expression, Growth, and Worship
“The art of image-making provides a dynamic venue for creative
expression, personal growth and spiritual connection.”
“I humbly offer my gifts and talents in honor and testament
of the eternal source from which they come.”

A Vocation of Creative Exchange
"My career focus has been developing creative workshops and programs that strengthen positive attitudes towards self through non-threatening confidence-building activities that foster creative and critical thinking."
“For me teaching has been a process of giving to and receiving from students,
very much like McCartney's lyrics: “In the end, the love you take is equal to the love
you make" and from scripture “give and it will be given to you” - Luke 6:38 NIV.
ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR: Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, Mi. (2011 to present)
Taught FAS 142 courses providing instruction to Adult and Professional Program students at the Lansing and Dearborn sites and Art Foundations 152 classes in the Kalamazoo, Battle Creek and Lansing locations.
DIRECTOR OF FINE ARTS: Starr Commonwealth, Albion, Michigan (1998-2009) (1978-1986)
Established Ministry Arts Programs; providing leadership in the development of creative arts programming and training with a strong emphasis in using the arts as a powerful tool for spiritual growth of at-risk and special needs youth. Starr Commonwealth is nationally recognized for its assistance to more than 5,000 children, families, and professionals each year through a full spectrum of community-based early intervention and prevention services, specialized residential programs, along with training for parents, clinicians, educators and childcare professionals.
ART INSTRUCTOR: Albion Public Schools, Albion Senior High School (1986 to 1998)
Instituted art curriculum; offering a broad range instruction of drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, crafts, and printmaking, photography, and art history classes. The program served approximately 140 art students each semester in Albion’s culturally diverse Senior high school. Nobel’s public school teaching career concluded in 1998 with the receipt of the “Educators Award” presented by the Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, Michigan and was a testimony to his work and positive influence on young people.
UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR: Western Michigan University, Art Department Extension Program (1980)
Taught “Art for the Classroom Teacher”; providing motivation for personal and artistic growth through techniques and applications specific to K-12 teachers and the classroom setting. The course was Co-instructed with WMU Professor Emeritus, Lou Rizzolo.
TEACHING ASSISTANT: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan (1977)
Taught art education course; providing instruction of art methodology and curriculum design for undergraduate students pursuing Elementary Teaching careers.
ART INSTRUCTOR: Albion Public Schools, Albion Senior High School (1973 to 1978)
Developed and implemented art program; offering a range of beginning, intermediate, and advanced studio art classes. Nobel received Albion Public Schools “Outstanding Educator's Award” (1974) for his development of curriculum and positive studio environments where students could thrive.

Developing Programs, Curricula and Facilities
"I am blessed to have had the opportunity to create, implement, and
lead programs in a variety of public and private educational settings."
DIRECTOR OF FINE ARTS: Starr Commonwealth, Albion, Michigan (1998 to 2009)
Established Ministry Arts Programs; providing leadership in the development of creative arts programming and training with a strong emphasis in using the arts as a powerful tool for spiritual growth of at-risk and special needs youth. Starr Commonwealth is nationally recognized for its assistance to more than 5,000 children, families, and professionals each year through a full spectrum of community-based early intervention and prevention services, specialized residential programs, along with training for parents, clinicians, educators and childcare professionals.
ART MINISTRY DIRECTOR: Heaven Word Design, Albion, Michigan (1994 to1998)
Ministered through personal artwork; providing interactive workshops, teaching sessions, and displays that witness to God’s grace. Presentations actively engaged congregations and groups of all ages and interests in a variety in churches, schools, and art spaces across Michigan and North Carolina.
GALLERY OWNER: Habitat Gallery and Frame Company, Albion, Michigan (1985 to present)
Nobel with his wife Pamela, have co-owned and operated a small art business for over two decades, and offer custom framing and design services, as well as, a variety of quality handmade art creations. Starting as a home enterprise it expanded to a location within the heart of downtown Albion where they received a “Community Recognition Award” (1993) from Albion College for their contribution to the arts in Albion. Then in 1998 the business was moved again onto an inviting 5 acre site which is their current residence and Nobel’s art studios.
MUSEUM DIRECTOR: Brueckner Museum of Starr Commonwealth, Albion, Michigan (1978 to 1986)
Coordinated museum programs; providing leadership for educational programs, monthly exhibitions and events, as well as, the management and care of Starr’s fine art and historical collections. Starr’s art museum and studios provide unique environments for artistic awareness and development. Nestled among the trees and lake that grace the 350-ace campus these facilities display the work of notable artists such as Marshall Fredericks, Montague Dawson, N.C. Wyeth and Frederic Remington.
Creativity Education, Community Building
and World Peace Art Initiatives
"Over the years I have had the privilege of working collaboratively with friend and artist, Lou Rizzolo and a small group of other like-hearted individuals from the disciplines of art, technology, and education. This collaboration has consolidated under the name of Big Think which is receiving national and international recognition for the development of Arts Initiatives through environmental, multi-media sculpture installations and creative learning workshops."

Lou Rizzolo Nobel Schuler
Starr Earthwork 2002
Dr. Richard Cooper Lou Rizzolo Nobel Schuler

ART CONSULTANT: Big Think, Glenn, Michigan (2008 to present)
Consulting member; providing input and assistance to Big Think, an arts, science and technology group specializing in alternative educational experiences. Their mission involves presentations, lectures and workshops in Creativity Education/Collaboration, Outreach Programs, Health and Well Being Research and Environmental Multi-Media Sculpture Installation/Performances.
OUTREACH DIRECTOR: Big Think, Glenn, Michigan (2007-2008)
Officer; working extensively as a team collaborator through activities of the World Peace Art Initiative which promotes global peace through the collaborative, creative planning of large- scale environmental outdoor artworks. Nobel has participated on many levels in these endeavors including a recent installation at Virginia Tech University and a series community-building workshops and installations in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan that offered a symbolic tribute of the uniqueness of Michigan’s northern region and native peoples. Other WPAI activities have been environmental multi-media works in Canada, France, USA, Switzerland, and Norway with future potentials in India, Norway and Uganda.
WPAI INSTALLATION CO-FACILITATOR: Starr Earthwork 2002, Albion, Michigan (2000 to 2002)
Co-facilitated environmental installation project; promoting World Peace Art Initiatives to foster community healing and peaceful relations through creative, intercultural collaboration in artistic ventures. This project culminated in a 37-acre environmental artwork and event involving thousands of youth and community organizations. The effort incorporated hundreds of creative peace banners, mazes, and crop plantings with celebrative aerial sculptures, communal campfires, and musical and dance performances.
WPAI TEAM CO-FACILITATOR: Starr Commonwealth, Albion, Michigan (2000)
Co-facilitated international residency program; hosting a 15 member team of art leaders from Australia, China, Italy, Norway and, the USA during a World Peace Artists Residency. The focus of this 10 day international gathering was promoting global peace through the collaborative, creative planning of large scale outdoor artworks to be carried out at sites in the five participating nations.

Making the Invisible, Visible
“Throughout my life I have been blessed with an opportunity to bring to fruition many of my creative ideas while working with exceptional people, programs, organizations, and most importantly my family.”
of various articles and publications including:
Re-educating through the Creative Arts, a chapter in the resource book, Re-educating Troubled Youth—Building Powerful Environments for Teaching and Treatment written by Larry K. Brendtro and Arlin E. Ness. This chapter was co-written with Kristen D. Juul, Professor of Special Education at Southern Illinois University and is devoted mainly to the unrecognized potentials of the arts as instruments for growth, healing and learning. It chronicles various treatment models and highlights a historical perspective of the use of the arts in therapy.
Art for Peace, a 2002 article featured in Reclaiming Children and Youth, The Journal of Strength-based Interventions, highlights Nobel’s work with colleague, Lou Rizzolo, Western Michigan University Professor, Emeritus. Their writing describes a creative process of using the arts to forge a spirit of community by drawing personal "Self-Scape" designs which are then connected to form a massive, shared artistic creation. This methodology has been expanded into the World Peace Art Initiative and Creative Learning Programs.
“Spirit” Let’s Hear It, is another Reclaiming Children and Youth article printed in 2003 which describes Starr’s spiritual development program and the unique Art Ministry program Schuler implemented while at Starr Commonwealth that offered specialize learning activities contributing to spiritual growth.
Unique Art Forms at Starr Commonwealth--Providing community outreach and global connections for youth is a pending “Reclaiming” article. This writing highlights two decades of nontraditional, multi-sensory activities, projects and events experienced by Starr youth including air and helium-filled art structures and large scale collaborative installations.
Nobel Schuler

Marc Rizzolo Peter Middleton